Viser nu Honduras - Post frimærker (1866 - 2023) - 2212 frimærker.
22. maj VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - The 6th Caribbean and North and Central American Lawyers' Day, type RP]](
20. juni VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - The 25th Anniversary of Italian-Latin American Institute, type RQ]](
1. juli VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - Spain-Latin America Stamp Exhibition "Espamer '91" - Buenos Aires, Argentina, type RR]](
1. juli VM: Ingen Perforeringer: Imperforated
![[Airmail - Spain-Latin America Stamp Exhibition "Espamer '91" - Buenos Aires, Argentina, type RR1]](
26. juli VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Rafael Heliodoro Valle, 1891-1959, type RS]](
8. august VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - The 11th Pan-American Games, Havana, type RT]](
![[Airmail - The 11th Pan-American Games, Havana, type RU]](
![[Airmail - The 11th Pan-American Games, Havana, type RV]](
8. august VM: Ingen Perforeringer: Imperforated
![[Airmail - The 11th Pan-American Games, Havana, type RT1]](
30. august VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - Churches, type RW]](
![[Airmail - Churches, type RX]](
![[Airmail - Churches, type RY]](
30. september VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - America - Pre-Columbian Civilizations, type RZ]](
![[Airmail - America - Pre-Columbian Civilizations, type SA]](
![[Airmail - America - Pre-Columbian Civilizations, type SB]](
22. november VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - The 4th International Congress on Pest Control, type SC]](
![[Airmail - The 4th International Congress on Pest Control, type SD]](
![[Airmail - The 4th International Congress on Pest Control, type SE]](
22. november VM: Ingen Perforeringer: Imperforated
![[Airmail - The 4th International Congress on Pest Control, type SC1]](
19. december VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - Christmas, type SF]](
![[Airmail - Christmas, type SG]](
17. januar VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - The 75th Anniversary of Savings Bank of Honduras, type SH]](
![[Airmail - The 75th Anniversary of Savings Bank of Honduras, type SI]](
17. januar VM: Ingen Perforeringer: Imperforated
![[Airmail - The 75th Anniversary of Savings Bank of Honduras, type SH1]](
27. januar VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - The 2nd Year in Office of President Rafael Leonardo Callejas, type SJ]](
![[Airmail - The 2nd Year in Office of President Rafael Leonardo Callejas, type SK]](
31. januar VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - America 1991 - The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America, type SL]](
![[Airmail - America 1991 - The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America, type SM]](
![[Airmail - America 1991 - The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America, type SN]](
17. februar VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Winter Olympic Games - Albertville, France, type SO]](
![[Winter Olympic Games - Albertville, France, type SP]](
16. marts VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13½
![[Olympic Games - Barcelona, Spain, type SQ]](
![[Olympic Games - Barcelona, Spain, type SR]](
![[Olympic Games - Barcelona, Spain, type SS]](
21. maj VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Mother's Day - Paintings, type ST]](
![[Mother's Day - Paintings, type SU]](
![[Mother's Day - Paintings, type SV]](
22. juni VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Butterflies, type SW]](
![[Butterflies, type SX]](
![[Butterflies, type SY]](
22. juni VM: Ingen Perforeringer: Imperforated
![[Butterflies, type SW1]](
24. juli VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - Flowers, type SZ]](
![[Airmail - Flowers, type TA]](
![[Airmail - Flowers, type TB]](
![[Airmail - Flowers, type TC]](
17. august VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - General Francisco Morazan Hydroelectric Project, type TD]](
![[Airmail - General Francisco Morazan Hydroelectric Project, type TE]](
24. august VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13¼
![[Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Inter-American Institute for Agricultural Co-operation, type TF]](
![[Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Inter-American Institute for Agricultural Co-operation, type TF1]](